Thursday, July 14, 2011

Notebook Computer Reviews

The history of the computer can be traced back to the year 1642, when French mathematician and scientist Blaise Pascal invented the Pascaline. Back then, it was considered a revolutionary invention, but it only featured one function, which is to do addition and nothing else. Thanks to the rapid development of technology, computers today can do lots of different things and they are available in many different sizes. Nowadays, almost everyone has a laptop or notebook computer. However,...
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3 Basic Laptop Computer Repair Tips

Laptops and netbooks are widely distributed nowadays. Everywhere you look, you can find a person holding his very own laptop. This is because laptops can offer almost everything that a desktop computer could offer with the benefit of saving space plus the advantage of using it anytime, anywhere. As a laptop user, you should also know about laptop computer repair to better care for your unit and save money spent on repair.Here are some tips for laptop computer repair:• Create Back UpBack...
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Friday, July 8, 2011

IPad educational apps- a fun way to learning

iPad is a gadget with endless potential. After helping the tech savvy professionals in increasing their productivity, educational iPad apps for learning elementary level maths, science and other subjects, is a hit with children who abhorrer studies. Studying can become synonymous to fun with well developed iPad educational apps. Sweet memories of the childhood days are never forgotten. Those care-free days of playing with friends all day long and having a gala time are some of the cherished...
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Affordable Computer Repairs

Getting your pc appropriately fixed by a skilled computer specialist could be less expensive than you may imagine. Lots of people think about the plan to be too costly and can make an effort to repair the problem themselves before turning to some professional computer repair service.Lots of people try to sort out the issues themselves - just how much would that point set you back? Just how much frustration can you experience! PC customers frequently finish up tearing their head of hair in...
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What Can You Do If Your Email Account Is Wiped?

Not so long ago many Gmail users went to check their mail only to find that their entire inbox and all their contact had been completely deleted. This shocking discovery was something done by Google by accident and only affected a very small percentage of its total users but made many people think about what would happen if all their emails were suddenly wiped forever. With approximately 300 billion emails being sent every day around the world, and as you are probably an email user yourself,...
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Monday, April 12, 2010

German tablet PC sets out to rival Apple's iPad

The German maker of a new tablet PC is setting out to rival Apple's iPad with the promise of even more technology such as a bigger screen, a webcam and USB ports. It is not, however, an "iPad killer" as it has been dubbed by some blogs but an alternative to its bigger rival, Neofonie GmbH's founder and managing director Helmut Hoffer von Ankershoffen told reporters on Monday in Berlin. Ankershoffen stressed the system's openness: Two USB ports allow users to connect...
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Saturday, February 13, 2010

AirLife 100

Hewlett-Packard has released the first smartbook. This device is named AirLife Compaq 100 and earned the nickname as a laptop hybrid.The reason is the result AirLife combination of hardware and software commonly used in smart phones and netbooks. So the ability of both devices are 'married' to create AirLife.This device is slicked up with a 10.1 inch touch screen, battery life up to 12 hours, as well as 3G connectivity and Wi-Fi. While the kitchen reinforced with Qualcomm Snapdragon processor 1...
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